Our Projects

Listed below you will find some of the projects where RipplAffect is currently making a difference
(or has made a difference in the past couple of years).

Thank you for your continued support! Please consider one time or monthly giving through our donation form:



Pakistan, Fall 2023

RipplAffect again partners with Ruaj Ministry to provide clean, safe water in Pakistan.RipplAffect Pakistan Training GC RUAJ Ministries It is planned that 900 water filtration systems will be delivered and distributed in Pakistan shortly.

“It was a wonderful privilege to do training with about 30 people from Karachi Adventist Hospital and pastors from Pakistan Pakistan last week. I am also very grateful for collaboration with Dr. Patras Bahadur, Director of the Global Center for Adventist-Muslim Relations at the General Conferance of Seventh-day Adventist Church and Sergio Romero from RUAJ Ministry,” says Narcisa Mikov, founder and executive director of the RipplAffect.

Click HERE if you would like to watch the RipplAffect Ghana Distribution of 1000 Water Filtration Systems bringing safe water to thousands or HERE if you would like to see short demonstration of contaminated water filtered into safe clean water. More information and photos are to follow.

To see all the water filter distributions that happened since January 2021 on our Sponsorship Map, click on the link.


India, Fall 2023

RipplAffect partnered with Ruaj Ministry and Mountain View Conference to provide clean, safe water in India. The project is now underway and it is planned that 500 water filtration systems will be delivered and distributed in the province of Andra Pradesh, India.

More information and photos are to follow.


Peru, July 2023

Rippleffect partnered with Kettering College, a college preparing students for vocations in healthcare and the medical sciences, to provide clean safe water to families in need in the Amazon area of Peru. More information and photos are to follow.


Ghana, Spring 2023

Through a collaboration with the Mission Driven Purpose non-profit organization RipplAffect assisted with a large-scale effort in Drobonso, Ghana, West Africa. 1000 water filtration systems were distributed in this region during the Spring of 2023, there was also a follow-up action to make sure that filters function well. More information to follow.


Haiti, August 2022

To celebrate World Water Week we partnered with NAPS (National Organization for the Prevention of Starvation) who is our distributing partner in Haiti. They have distributed 300 filtration systems during that week despite very serious and dangerous current conditions in the country. They will distribute an additional 100 filtration systems as soon as it is safe. Click HERE to see distribution of 300 water filtration systems in Haiti.


Peru, July 2022

In collaboration with Kettering College 200 filters were delivered to Peru by medical students on their Mission Trip. Our distributing partner People of Peru Project non-profit in Iquitos is distributing the filters to families in need.


The Philippines, February – November 2022

RipplAffect - Project Propel - Philippines photo - banner IMG_2842Distribution of 1550 Water filtration Systems in The Philippines. Clean drinking water is essential to life! 💧 Made up of 60 percent water, the human body is aided by water in performing critical everyday functions. However, more than 3 million people in the Philippines rely on unsafe and unsustainable water sources and 7 million lack access to improved sanitation (water.org). Access to safe drinking water and sanitation are internationally recognized human rights because of their high importance of sustaining every person’s life. 💪🏽

RipplAffect is very grateful for partnering with Project Propel who is our distributing partner in the Philippines and is distributing Sawyer household water filtration systems. With the help of local leaders, Project Propel distributes these life-saving filters to families with limited or no access to clean drinking water, prioritizing pregnant and lactating mothers, senior citizens, and persons with disability, and also to indigenous groups living in remote villages. This initiative includes training on proper use and cleaning of the Sawyer system and health and hygiene education to inform communities on best practices for food and waterborne disease prevention.

RipplAffect also supported the construction of two EcoToilet WASH (Water, Sanitation & Hygiene) Stations in two communities!

The EcoToilet WASH Stations include:
🚽 Clivus Multrum sustainable composting toilet
🌧 Rain-water collection system
🚰 Hand-washing station
🌞 Solar lighting to ensure the safety of its users


We want to thank all donors who have supported this initiative!
Together we can do more!


Kenya, March 2022

In collaboration with the Spring Valley Academy we again distributed 500 water filtration systems to the Maasai people in Kenya, where the elevation is so high that they cannot drill wells. Just in this one distribution we were able to provide clean water to over 5100 people. Our team was able to collect distribution data and you can see all the beneficiaries that received water filtration systems on the Distribution Map (Click HERE).

See some photos from this project below and many more photos and full progression of the project HERE!


To see all the water filter distributions that happened since January 2021 on our Sponsorship Map, please click on the link.
Thank you for your continued support!

To see where RipplAffect has made a difference in the past, see our older projects by clicking on the button below: